Sunday, January 27, 2013

Who Really Wants to Live Forever?

So a bucket list. I haven't ever made one of these before, but I probably should have.

Anyway, high school. Okay, so that's kinda difficult because I'm not going to be in high school for much longer. Prior to last weekend it probably would have been to go to an anime convention, but I guess I can't really use that again. However, I can use that as a point to jump off of: I'd like to go to another one, except this time I'd like to be on my own. I'll be honest, our "chaperones" or whatever you want to call them, were rarely around (I only saw Claire's dad twice, and I only saw Bay's dad when he dropped us off and then came back to pick us up). But I didn't quite feel as independent as I wanted to be. I had wanted to use this trip as a way to prove to my parents that I am mature (or as mature as a 17 year old can be while also dressing as a character from Pokemon and no I'm not joking about that). Mature enough to take care of myself, I guess. And with this last trip I probably didn't really achieve that, since I skipped a meal and didn't want to try to convince my friends to actually eat meals that weren't mini donuts or cheese fries (I usually get told off for acting like a mother when I do that). But I guess being able to go somewhere and prove that I can take care of myself and maybe even others would be a nice thing before I head off to college.

Before I get out of college I want to study abroad. That's not that specific or particularly difficult to do, but it's certainly something I want to do. I want to go abroad, and I'm sure that would probably help in whatever field I would choose. I don't know where I want to study abroad either; I'd want to go to plenty of countries. I can hardly choose one out of all, but I guess I'll add choosing what country I want to go to to my bucket list as well.

And before life, or the end thereof. I want to do something worthy of being remembered. And wow, Sarah, that's really broad! Well that's because it is. I'm not going to say something narrow like "I want to get married" or "I want to go to the moon" or anything like that because if I don't manage that then it'll lead to disappointment. And while my current one can lead to that too, it's not nearly as set in stone. I live my life more in the now, and I don't want to try to set my future in stone. I know I want to visit many places around the world and other bits and pieces like that. It's not that I don't have things that I want in my life. But what I know I want is to be able to say I did something worthwhile, whether that be something worthy of the history  books or simply something my family would remember. I don't know if that's an answer that seems like I tried to get out of answering, but that is certainly what I would have to say is on my "bucket list" for life.

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