Sunday, September 2, 2012

This Really Won't be Very Interesting at All...

My name is Lusi Lukova, but my real and full name is Luiza Petkova Lukova. From that information, you can probably gather that I'm not American. I was born in Bulgaria and my family and I moved to the United States when I was four. Only two years later, we moved back across the Atlantic, only this time we settled in Barcelona, Spain. Just those 2 huge moves had a tremendous impact on the small 6 year old girl that i was but my parents, being the indecisive people they were and always will be, decided that we should move once again, and thankfully for the last time, move back to the United States where we have happily remained for the past 8 years. (I suppose they didn't like very much in Spain, just like me. I only truly made one friend that I liked and that was because we were both forced to sit next to the bus driver on the 2 hour daily commute to school because we both got carsick.)

I think that even though I hated the constant packing when I was young, it led me to develop my biggest passion in life: to travel. Anything about a different culture fascinates me whether it be Tibetan religion, French art, Indian food, Aztec ruins, or German literature and I can say without a doubt that when I daydream, which happens quite often, I plan all the trips I would one day like to make. Another thing that truly geeks me out is a really good book. I have this re-occuring dream where I always find myself in a secluded cabin all by myself, in front of a roaring fire sitting in a soft armchair covered in a warm blanket. Beside me are a cup of steaming tea and stack of books. Anytime I have that dream I never want to wake up; I wish I could live my life that forever.

My personal goals for this year come along with a somewhat funny, yet also somewhat sad and embarrassing story. Along with hoping to maintain my 4.0 GPA, I would like to actually take my AP Tests this year. That's right not pass with a 4 or 5 (though that would be preferable!) but actually take them. This stems from last years AP World History class and the fact that I flaked out on the test and didn't take it the morning of. That's right, I'm a wimp. Even though I had read the AP Review Book, annotated it in its entirety, and taken the practice tests, my mind was not able to comprehend any of the information that I would have liked it to absorb and I had what some would call a panic attack. I'm deeply embarrassed by my decision but, like the moving, I hope it's something I can use to learn from and grow as a person. So far, even though its only the beginning of the year, I feel like I'm managing to juggle my 4 AP classes fairly well. Lets hope it stays that way.

My summer contained two memorable moments and those who know me can probably guess them. First, I was able to go back and visit my family back home in Bulgaria. This fact is not too exciting to those who know I do this every year but seeing as how all my relatives live so far away, communication even through sketchy Skype calls is difficult and doesn't compare in the slightest to that moment when the double doors at the airport open for you and you find your aunt and uncle and baby cousin waiting on the other side, grinning.

This is my little cousin. Her name is Vanina, she loves chocolate ice cream and sings along to ACDC in the car but she prefers to call them "AZBZ". 

All of you who complain you have to go to your grandparents' houses for Christmas have no idea how much I would kill for that; you guys have it easy. The second notable part of my summer was getting to see my best friend Sophia again after she came back from a year abroad in Germany. I wont bore you with the details as you can read them on her blog post. (Just scroll farther down and she's one of the first posts. Yes, she's one of those people who does their assignment for the next week the night it's assigned. She'll probably kill me for typing this...but i can't lie to my blog, she's a geek. It's okay though, we're all geeks here in the Academy.) Here is a picture of us when i took her to Bulgaria with me last summer. We spent a good majority of the time watching TV re-runs (Golden Girls is a favorite) and knitting. I know, I know....we lead sad lives.

On a side note, what I eventually wish to accomplish out of life is to merge my two passions of Literature (and writing) and travel and make a career out of them. As of now, I'm only planning and beginning to look into colleges, but it is my biggest aspiration. Perhaps I'll become an editor for a travel magazine? Boy, wouldn't that be nice. Maybe I'll start smaller. Hopefully I can convince all the people I work with at International Book Project (Mr. Logsdon, I believe you happen to know a certain Todd Johnson who works there) to take me along on their next trip to India so I can better understand how the non-profit organization manages to deliver pallets upon pallets of much needed books to impoverished countries. The main coordinator, Tajus, seems to like me so hopefully I can mange to convince him! Im already imagining the delicious streetfood...yum. Speaking of food, my current favorite website happens to be which is where I go to waste my time away. Ive become an expert if I may say so myslef.

Thanks for bearing through my long post...that is if you had the patience to actually read it in its entirety... I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.

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